F is for fish por Yinette Wisdom

Qué rico, ya el Señor Leche y yo estamos estudiando los océanos y con ello los animales marinos. Empezamos por los peces. Esta manualidad fue super divertida de hacer. Continuar leyendo...

How interesting, Mr. Milk and I are studying the oceans and with it marine animals. We started with the fish. This craft was super fun to do. Continue reading...

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The first few times I thought about having children and speaking to them in English, I had the main ideas clear and very few doubts. It seemed to me that it made sense, that it was interesting and that, just as I talk to my students or to other people in English, I would do it with my son. All the questions and doubts came when I started. I had my son in my arms and I was going to start speaking t ...