Reasons to do an Intensive Spanish Course

Learning Spanish is becoming more and more popular these days, as well as combining the learning activity with the experience of living in a Spanish speaking country. So as opposed to say, using an online app or private lessons or just learning from people around you, to get the most out of a stay abroad with the most opportunities for exposure to the language, an Intensive Spanish course is the way to go for the most effective and enjoyable language learning experience. In this article well set out some reasons to do an Intensive Spanish Course.

1. Its cost effective. Private lessons are unfortunately expensive, and instead in a group you get more hours for your money. Furthermore, as it is several hours every weekday that youre doing this, as more of your day is taken up being consistently exposed to the language and concentrated on exercising what you learn, you are really immersed in the language learning experience, and it shows that this is a highly effective way to learn and retain the language.

One on one lessons are for covering specific needs students might have, or if there is a clear goal; for instance preparing for a job interview or preparations for an official language exam such as those required to get into Spanish universities. Another reason might be that a student feels that she/he is not able to get the hang of a particular aspect of the language, such as the verbs past tenses for example.

If the goal is to generally raise your language skills though, then an intensive Spanish course is definitely the best approach, if you have specific requirements then one on one lessons may be more appropriate. At Cronopios we can offer you both intensive courses and one on one lessons, it is possible to take these separately, for instance by taking our Intensive 20 hours course. We also offer a combined package, Intensive 22 hours, which includes 2 hours of one on one lessons per week with one of our teachers. As said, we also offer separate one on one lessons, as well as officially recognised tailor made preparation courses for all the official exams that exist in Spain, DELE, SIELE and the CCSE.

2. You have the all the advantages of group study; participation offers the possibility of interaction with other students, to practice, to make connections, etc. You learn from each others mistakes, not just your own. You get to work on practicing realistic situations, not just with the same single person but with different people.

Reasons to do an Intensive Spanish Course

You also get to practice more conversations as this is central to group lessons. You are with people who are at your level, this may be obvious, but youll find that these are the people you will at first by far be the most comfortable having conversations with. If speaking Spanish to others is a hurdle for you, then this in particular is a real god-send.

3. The school provides a base, a home away from home, facilities, and helpful staff, for everything that you might need in terms of advice and support. Being new in a country can be quite tough, we see it often that people find being in a new country with a different culture where even English isnt always widely spoken a bit intense. Doing everything from finding your way, building up a social network, to getting yourself organised in general can be daunting on your own. Instead a language course provides not only the language and the instant contact with others in a similar position to yours but also a daily rhythm, structure as well as content.

4. The school runs a daily activities programme for exploring social and cultural aspects of the city, for instance visiting a museum and then going for a drink with everyone. This is also ideal for practicing your Spanish outside the classroom but still with your classmates. And you will find that not only do you get to know Spanish culture through the teacher, the text book, the social/cultural activities every weekday evening, but also youll get exposed to the cultures of your classmates. Typically at Cronopios Idiomas, as weve consciously decided not to focus on attracting one type of student only, you will be in a group with people from all over the world.

5. And finally we would say, do it for the memories! Do it for going through personal growth as you experience an intense and full on new life. Do it for the bonds you create with people from all over the world, for the friendships that only occur when youre living life to the full together with others.

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