Reasons to watch Cine Sony’s Cantinflas marathon this Thanksgiving weekend

Cantinflas, one of Mexico’s most beloved cinematic personalities and a masterful comedian, entertained families throughout the Americas for decades. Often called the Charlie Chaplin of America, Cantinflas was an internationally known clown, acrobat, musician, satirist, business leader, activist and philanthropist who became a symbol of pride and hope.

In honor of the holiday season, Cine Sony Television, a Sony Pictures Television network, has announced the network’s biggest ever movie marathon that features 33 films starring the legendary Mexican crossover comedian, Cantinflas. Starting Thanksgiving Day at 7am ET/8am CT, this four-day event will consist of popular films such as El Analfabeto, Los Tres Mosqueteros and A Volar Joven, all uncensored and commercial free.

You won’t want to miss this Thanksgiving marathon full of Spanish-language puns and explosions of laughter. Not yet convinced? Here’s a list of reasons why Cine Sony Television’s Cantinflas marathon is a must-see for the entire family, young and old.

Family friendly laughs. In the 1920s Cantinflas began making families throughout Mexico laugh. His confusing command of language, also known as cantinflear along with his endearing personality is reflected in each of his films. His trademark ability of talking quickly and nonsensically has always incited tremendous laughter from his audiences. Often dressed in drooping pants held up by a rope, small silly hats, and a funny mustache, Cantinflas’ films are the perfect option for making your movie suggestions the hit of your Thanksgiving break.

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A chance to celebrate Hispanic culture. Cantinflas became an ambassador of Mexican culture around the world, especially in the United States. He was introduced to American audiences in 1956’s when he earned a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Motion Picture Comedy. Whether he was a priest in El Padrecito or a firefighter in El Bombero Atomico, Cantinflas’ character always fought against all odds and never forgot where he came from. His actions, life story, and his accomplishments inspired Mexico’s lower class for decades. For many of us Hispanics, Cantinflas was not just a celebrity, he was one of us. Re-watching many of Cantinflas’ films will or check local listings.


The post appeared first on Spanglish Mama.

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