Struggling to Conceive? Don’t Miss The Stork OTC Twitter Chat 10/14

This post is brought to you by The Stork OTC and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
Are you or anyone you know having trouble conceiving? A few years ago I had the same problem, it’s very hard to be a newlywed and then realize you can’t easily conceive, even though you’ve tried it all. Questions about when we would finally get a visit from the stork from family and friends didn’t help ease my worries. After much trying I finally got pregnant, today I am happily blessed with an amazing 5 year old girl.
Today I would love to tell you a little bit about how The Stork OTC is delivering hope to millions of Americans struggling to conceive a child, there will  be more info about The Stork OTC on  Wednesday, October 14th in case you love Twitter parties…there will be prizes too! Keep reading for more info.
The Stork OTC is an innovative, home-use device that helps with becoming pregnant- whether you have been diagnosed with infertility, have tried months without success, or simply want to conceive without intercourse. This product is FDA-cleared and available at local pharmacies and online. The Stork OTC uses an established and effective conception technique—cervical cap insemination—which helps with many common fertility difficulties and is an option for LGBT couples interested in at-home insemination.
Cervical cap insemination’s documented success rate is around 10-20% similar to the success rate for IUI.
The Stork OTC lets you take charge of your family planning, and act as a team while you do it. FDA-cleared applications for The Stork OTC include common fertility difficulties attributed to both men and women, including:

Low Sperm Count

Motility Issues

Unfavorable Vaginal Environment (pH imbalance)

Unexplained Infertility

The Stork OTC Twitter Chat Series

Join us for The Stork OTC 30-minute Mini Twitter Chat!

When: October 14th at 1:00 p.m ET

Where: Twitter using the hashtag #TheStorkOTC

RSVP: To be eligible to win prizes, RSVP here

Who to Follow

Hosts: @TheMotherhood, @TMChatHost, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann

Co-Hosts: @naptimetales, @friendspired, @MomSpotted, @spanglish_mama, @Jendub77, @kellystilwell


Three (3) prizes will be awarded to randomly selected participants who answer trivia questions correctly. Each winner will receive a $25 CVS/Pharmacy gift card.

I’d also like to share a coupon code: STORKOTC redeemable at for buy one, get one half off on The Stork OTC for the entire month of October. The Stork OTC puts you in control-optimize you’re chances to conceive this month. Please remember, this content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician.
But don’t leave yet! I have something special for you, one lucky reader will win The Stork OTC at-home conception aid product. Just comment below letting me know a little bit about you’re TTC story.
Giveaway will end on 10/15/2015.
Good Luck and see ya at the party!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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