Which will be our favorite Super Hero Cereal? Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Weekends were meant for watching cartoons while eating our favorite super heroes cereal right? But not in our house… well at least not the cartoon part. Since the kids are now on soccer teams, our weekends consist of practice and games at the park. I’ve been talking Naty into getting on a team, but she’s not too interested in sports. Her thing is dancing, music and yes reading! Ever since she learned how to sound out words she’s had her nose in any book she finds. This past weekend her nose was stuck in a comic book, remember those?!

I always enjoyed reading comic books, my dad had a ton from when he was a kid! I always enjoyed reading about luchadores and super heroes,  the “who’s your favorite Superman or Batman” never gets old. And since I found Naty so intrigued by these, I decided to ask which one she would choose. Without much thought she said, Batman mom, he’s the best! Sounding out the words in the comic she was able to practice her reading while her brothers practiced their kicking skills.

For a fun-filled day, a young mind must start their day off the right way, with a super hero-sized breakfast. Superman™ Caramel Crunch and Batman™ Chocolate Strawberry cereals provide the perfect amount of nutrition a mini super hero needs for their daily activities.

No artificial colors or flavors

No high fructose corn syrup

Only 9 grams of sugar per serving

Good source of Calcium and Vitamin D

12 grams of whole grain per serving
#batmanvsuperman #batmancereal
For a limited time beginning March 7, 2016, General Mills will be featuring 1 out of 4 collectible, custom comic book offer inside of the following specially marked cereal boxes:

Honey Nut Cheerios

Lucky Charms

Get your $1 off coupon here

#batmanvsuperman #superherocereal

Don’t forget to head to the movies March 25th and watch Batman v Superman: Dawn of the Justice. This Batgirl is on a mission to rescue her brothers, until next time!


Who is your favorite Superhero?

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