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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CampbellSavings #CollectiveBiasSo we are just around the corner of the most hectic time of the year for us parents back-to-school season! Not sure if I should be excited to finally send off my little one into 1st grade or cringe at the thought of how busy I will be trying to get after-school ...

This year, Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey will immerse you into an intergalactic experience with their new technology-driven show, OUT OF THIS WORLD. A new circus experience is among us that portrays a story of adventure through fire, ice and is led by the most innovating technology.The new show premiered on the West Coast on July 7. Be prepared to blast off on an intergalactic adventure for the ...

Raising children is not an easy task. It is stimulating, exciting, thrilling... one of the greatest experiences that we can have, but definitely: not simple. Sometimes we dont know if what we are doing is right or wrong and the future scare us a bit. However, we improve day by day and we try to do our best to bring up our offspring safely, healthily and affectionately.The parents that want to spea ...

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MaxYourTax #CollectiveBiasIt"s tax season! Woo-hoo or Boo-hoo? Today I"m going to share with you 5 easy tips to help stretch your tax refund and turn that frown upside down. Now don"t go on a crazy spending spree once you get that check, this year let"s be savvy spenders! You worked hard for e ...

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MaxYourTax #CollectiveBiasIt"s tax season! Woo-hoo or Boo-hoo? Today I"m going to share with you 5 easy tips to help stretch your tax refund and turn that frown upside down. Now don"t go on a crazy spending spree once you get that check, this year let"s be savvy spenders! You worked hard for e ...

As you know, this is the month when the US celebrates Black History, Comcast is committed to showcasing the contributions of African-American people not only during February but throughout the whole year. That is why the communications company has curated a new and permanent collection on Xfinity on Demand titled Black History Always On, which highlights the achievements of this transcending and h ...

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CambioConfiable #CollectiveBiasIf youve ever been on public transportation or as I call it, el metro, then you know how long it takes to get to your destination. I first started taking the bus at the age of 17 to get to school. To get there I would have to wake up at 5 am and be at the bus sto ...

Con el hallazgo, en el mercado negro, del teléfono celular de Fabián Herrera, el médico recientemente asesinado en Bogotá, las autoridades lograron establecer el recorrido que hizo la víctima antes de morir y así mismo encontraron nuevas pistas para atrapar a los asesinos.Todo esto se logró gracias a la última tecnología forense que ha llegado al país y que tiene la capacidad de “navegar” dentro d ...