The new show premiered on the West Coast on July 7. Be prepared to blast off on an intergalactic adventure for the entire family. The show will include a variety of acrobatic, aerial, trapeze acts and much more. Performers gather from Chile, Mexico, Paraguay and all around the world to bring you unexpected surprises and amazing entertainment.
Some of the new technology features the show includes:
Projection mapping:
For the first time, Ringling Bros. will be integrating projection mapping to help bring their epic space adventure to life in arenas around the country. Projection mapping utilizes specialized software that takes programmed 3D images of the production and optimizes video to project around the shapes and surfaces that have been programmed into the software.
Portal Display:
Ringling Bros. is known for its elaborate and intricate portals. The portal for OUT OF THIS WORLD is one of the largest in their history. Included in this portal are two screens that will be used to augment the projections within the arena. They will also be available and have opportunities during the pre-show for interactive communication with audiences.
Spotlight Tracking Technology
This tracking system can help light everything from performers to animals to props throughout the show. The system allows us to flawlessly follow and light fast-moving skaters, as well as opening a world of possibilities for various effects that could never have been accomplished with a hand-operated follow spot.
The puffersphere is a round LED hi-resolution projection. In the OUT OF THIS WORLD, the narrator will tell the story of our space odyssey in this globe.
To check local listings for a show near you check out the Ringling Bros official website:
The post Ringling Bros & Barnum and Bailey’s Presents: OUT OF THIS WORLD appeared first on Spanglish Mama.