Game Time Ready with Red Baron Pizza

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Red Baron Pizza and The Women Bloggers, LLC. All opinions expressed are my own. #RedBaronGameTime

It’s that time of the again! GAME TIME! I love fall for it’s cooler weather, food, and football. This is the time of the year where the festivities begin, gathered with great friends and family watching football, futbol, and baseball… GO ‘STROS!!! We are very excited because our own Houston Astros baseball team is in the World Series, and very hopeful we will win this year. With the unprecedented event, we had this past summer; Hurricane Harvey came in and destroyed many, many homes, including ours. We are slowly getting back up and with exciting games like baseball and football, have helped many families in the area to stay strong and feel proud of our great city.

With all the unexpected expenses this year feeding a large crowd to watch a game has been a bit difficult. Good thing is, everyone loves pizza! Can’t go wrong with pizza, it’s one of the easiest ways to feed a crowd at parties. On one of my runs to Sam’s Club, I found the Red Baron Deep Dish Singles and Red Baron Minis, which I find to be perfect for both kids and adults. Simply pop those babies in your oven or microwave for a few minutes and they’re ready.

Save time! While the pizzas are cooking up, serve up quick snacks and drinks. This is #WingMama 101, a true Baroness, a.k.a a woman who is always prepared. The Red Baron frozen pizzas are so easy and convenient to serve up, it’ll be hard to pass this item up.

Not everyone’s on the same pizza team? No worries mom, the Red Baron Deep Dish Singles include 6 Pepperoni Pizzas and 6 Four Cheese Pizzas. The only one making the touchdown is you, momma!

Next time your at your local Sam’s Club stocking up on juice boxes, snacks, make sure to stop by the frozen pizza section and pick up either the Red Baron Deep Dish Singles or the Red Baron Minis for your next game time entertaining, or any other gatherings. I’m thinking I might just stop by next month and pick some up for Thanksgiving dinner since some of the kids aren’t big fans of the turkey.

Be game-time ready with Red Baron Pizzas, save time and money by shopping at Sam’s Club. The convenience of purchasing these products makes it easy for the host to serve up delicious food quicker and simpler, giving you more time to enjoy the game and not stuck in the kitchen.

Do you have any easy and convenient game-time grub ideas you’d like to share with me? Let me know in the comments below.

The post appeared first on Spanglish Mama.

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