Especial Lactancia: Semana de la Lactancia Materna: Un triunfo para toda la vida! por @lsilviav - Special Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding Week: A triumph for a lifetime! by @lsilviav

Desde antes de de tener a Valentina tenía claro que daría el pecho a la peque, ya que era algo que había visto en mi familia desde que nacieron mis sobrinos y porque mi madre también dio el pecho a mis hermanos y a mi. Continuar leyendo...


From before I had Valentina I was clear that I would breastfeed the little girl, since it was something I had seen in my family since my nephews were born and because my mother also breastfed my brothers and me. Continue reading...

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bilingual experience experience feelings ...

The first few times I thought about having children and speaking to them in English, I had the main ideas clear and very few doubts. It seemed to me that it made sense, that it was interesting and that, just as I talk to my students or to other people in English, I would do it with my son. All the questions and doubts came when I started. I had my son in my arms and I was going to start speaking t ...

Alimentación Bebés Embarazo ...

Cuando me quede embarazada quería dar el pecho, la verdad me informe poco, sólo me leí un libro, que en general era sobre el embarazo y poco más, fui sólo a una charla del matron a la primera y salí de allí mareada, no fui más. A la que ofrecen en el corte inglés si que fui pero fue muy general no trató de lactancia. Continuar leyendo... ----------------------- When I became pregnant I wanted to b ...

Alimentación Bebés Lactancia ...

Cuando me quedé embarazada del mayor no sabia que esto existía. No podía ni imaginar que algunas mujeres asesoraban a otras como dar el pecho a sus hijos. Pero menos mal que existen, que ponto yo también podré hacerlo (con mi titulo y todo, espero) y que con nuestro apoyo algunas lactancias se verán menos comprometidas y más informadas. Continuar leyendo... ------------------------------ Whe ...

Alimentación Bebés Lactancia ...

Os voy a contar mi experiencia con la lactancia materna. Sobre este tema se juzga mucho a las mamás y hablamos muy rápido sin saber cuál es la situación de cada una. Hay que respetar tanto a las que deciden dar el pecho como a las que dan el biberón. Continuar leyendo... ---------------------------------------- I will tell you my experience with breastfeeding. On this subject the mothers are judge ...

bilingual experience experience feelings ...

I have already written about my feelings when speaking to my son in English in front of native speakers. As I imagined, there would be more situations where I would find myself with English speakers for various reasons. Well, I havent had to wait a long time for a new moment to come. The other day on the bus, the couple sitting behind were Americans. I was carrying my little one in the baby carrie ...

Around Town Spanglish Life #ad ...

Recently we got the opportunity to visit Kriser’s Natural Pet, as a pet owner, I am somewhat disappointed to have never even known about Kriser’s or how close it is to my neighborhood. I’ve always had pets in my home since I was a child so I was very excited to explore this new place. I really wanted to take our 5-month-old German Shepherd, Eliza out for an adventure but she tend ...

bicis crianza ecologia ...

[En Español aquí] Andy and I are both committed cyclists Daddy has been cycling since he was growing up in London and is also a bike mechanic  (Dr Bike) although “semi retired” now. I started cycling more seriously when I moved to Brighton, UK. Before that when I lived in  Alcorcón, Madrid (where I am from), I had a bike when I was 17/18. My college  was a bit far away for walking, so ...

Niños/Kids back to school BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION ...

Don’t you feel summer break has flown by way too quick? I’m getting nostalgic just thinking about not having my little one’s company during the day. Over the summer I’ve seen her explore and grow, we’ve had good and bad moments. As I hear her play doctor with her baby cousin in the background I can honestly say I will miss these moments when she heads back to school. ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life Huggies ...

As a first-time mom, I had many questions and doubts when my daughter was born. I constantly asked friends and family, particularly my mom for advice to see if I was doing everything correctly. I have to say that my mom’s best advice to me was to use Huggies® Little Snugglers along with Huggies Natural Care® wipes to keep her skin soft, clean and healthy. I love how the brand provides the be ...

Niños/Kids Breakfast cereal ...

Growing up my favorite part of the day has always been mornings. I love waking up early and getting breakfast ready for my family, especially on weekends. Since the kids are now back in school they tend to have their breakfast in school, but when my daughter saw the Malt-O-Meal® cereals I had bought she decided eating breakfast at home would be much tastier. Now when I go grocery shopping I like t ...