The story follows the character of Leo and his friends as they embark on a new adventure in an encounter with the well-known mythical creature of El Chupacabras. This film by Anima Studios is one of many animated series that focus on popular Latino legends and/or folktales including Las Momias de Guanajuato and La Leyenda de la Llorona.
Synopsis: After his adventures with the mummies of Guanajuato and of being in the middle of the independence war, Leo San Juan is taken prisoner when he gets mistaken for an insurgent rebel by the royalist army soldiers while on his way back to Puebla. While locked in an old abandoned convent among other rebels, a frightening winged monster appears next to them: El Chupacabras, who attacks prisoners and guards alike. Abandoned to their fate, Leo and the rebels must fight the monster and escape before the royalists blow up the convent. As he struggles to survive he will discover the secret behind El Chupacabras and will have to make the most difficult decision of his life.
LA LEYENDA DEL CHUPACABRAS will open on October 14, 2016 in moderate release, from Lionsgate and Pantelion Films.
Cast: Eduardo España, Benny Mendoza, Mayte Cordero
Director: Alberto Rodriguez
Writers: Azan Cohen, Alberto Rodriguez
Producers: Fernando de Fuentes, Jose C. Garcia de Letona
A fun family film that’s sure to entertain the whole family! Don’t miss the date October 14th!
The post appeared first on Spanglish Mama.