McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival Giveaway!

This is a sponsored post on behalf on Hello Houston Media! I was given tickets to attend the McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival 2016 in exchange for my post.

The Largest Children’s Festival in the United States Celebrating 28 years of proven success!


For the past 28 years McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival, presented by Baker Hughes has made it’s way into Houston bringing fun and joy to over 50,000 local and out of town families. This is the largest Children’s Festival in the United States and is listed as one of the world’s 300 Unmissable Events – Frommer’s Travel Guides. This festival will take place on April 23rd-25th in downtown Houston, near Tranquility Park and areas surrounding City Hall. It is sure to be a weekend full of fun for the whole family, and what better way to spend a day enjoying out with the kids and supporting a great cause like Child Advocates, which serves children that have been affected by abuse and neglect. Year after year The Houston Children’s Festival continues to support this wonderful cause and has now raised over $5.2 million for Child Advocates, Inc.




McDonald’s Dream Discovery Stage & Zone Plus Disney Star

Baker Hughes Circus Town & Stage

Child Advocates Into Outer Space Zone

Children’s Memorial Hermann Official Cup

Kroger Healthy Kids Zone

Green Mountain Energy Zone

NightLight Pediatric Urgent Care Tot Spot & Diaper Derby

Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs

SABIC Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stage & Science Zone – back by popular demand arriving in their “Turtle Van”

Fiesta Sampling Site

MetroPCS Minecraft Zone

Neighbors Emergency Center Teddy Bear Clinic


When: Saturday, April 23 & Sunday, April 24, 2016 from 10:30 am – 6:30 pm

Where: Downtown Houston – 901 Bagby St. – City Hall Area, Sam Houston Park & Tranquility Park

Admission: $12.00 per person at the gate (save $2 with a McDonald’s receipt), and $10 online; kids under 3 years are free!  Food, beverages & games by coupon only; 9 coupons for $10.00

For more ticket and location info check out the McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival website.

How does a Fun Free Festival sound?! Enter below for a chance to win a family 4 pack of tickets to McDonald’s Children’s Festival, contest ends April 8th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget the date! Share your fun using the hashtag #HouChildrensFest.

Hope to see you there

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