

From: pamela galdos

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Como ya ocurriera en el año 2014, en el II Encuentro de mujeres paridas y por parir en el que me invitaron a dar una charla sobre la lactancia materna, este año y bajo el nuevo nombre de Panzas y Cria ...

Muchos de nosotros conocemos al personaje que aparece en la imagen, Juan Manuel Montilla “El Langui”, yo no le conozco de forma personal, pero si que le sigo desde hace mucho tiempo, desde ...

Y aquí otro detalle para regalar….. Cuando nace un bebé siempre queremos tener un detalle con la familia y no siempre los regalos que se hacen son acertados, bien porque son cosas que no se usan ...



Niños/Kids BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION education ...

School is officially back in session across the country, and I officially now have a 1st grader! She is now finishing up her second week of school and let me tell you those first few days were nerve-wracking for all of us. As I left my daughter in her new classroom with a new teacher and a room full of new and familiar faces, I could not help but feel proud of my little one. Proud because I know h ...

Niños/Kids back to school BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION ...

Don’t you feel summer break has flown by way too quick? I’m getting nostalgic just thinking about not having my little one’s company during the day. Over the summer I’ve seen her explore and grow, we’ve had good and bad moments. As I hear her play doctor with her baby cousin in the background I can honestly say I will miss these moments when she heads back to school. ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life KIDS ZONE ...

Kids Zone in Spanish Launches on X1:   They have the remote. You have the control. Xfinity first introduced Kids Zone last year and the response from other users has been terrific. Which is why a few weeks ago I decided to walk into a Xfinity store and trade in my old set-top box for the new X1 platform. Watching our favorite tv shows has never been easier! I am very pleased that my daughter now h ...

Sin categoría

(scroll down for English) Septiembre es tiempo de nuevos comienzos y no se me ocurre mejor manera de estrenar el mes que con un post como éste, en el que os voy a contar algunas de las novedades de esta temporada, aunque me guardaré alguna en la manga para sorprenderos más adelante  Preparados? Vamos allá! Nueva imagen de Montessori en Casa El blog tiene nuevo logo, que ahora incluye una planta b ...

bilingual experience experience feelings ...

The first few times I thought about having children and speaking to them in English, I had the main ideas clear and very few doubts. It seemed to me that it made sense, that it was interesting and that, just as I talk to my students or to other people in English, I would do it with my son. All the questions and doubts came when I started. I had my son in my arms and I was going to start speaking t ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life

Now that school has started I have less time to sit and eat with my daughter to talk and enjoy breakfast or lunch together. When she comes home she eats dinner and then starts on her homework, leaving little time to enjoy those moments. Which is why I cherish and look forward to weekends. Growing up my parents worked so much, I can only remember Sunday mornings as the only day where all the famili ...

general sin categoría {filosofía montessori}

(scroll down for English) Este post forma parte de la serie “Women’s History Month” en Multicultural Kids Blogs; donde durante todo este mes podréis leer interesantes posts sobre mujeres que han hecho historia. Éste es probablemente el post más largo del blog con diferencia, pero la apasionante vida de Maria Montessori bien lo merece. Hazte una taza de té (o café, o lo que quiera ...

Spanglish Life tv shows Watchathon ...

Watchathon Week is back!! Beginning April 18 – 24 you will be able to have unlimited access to the hottest tv shows out there on premium, broadcast, and cable networks. No matter what you want to watch, Watchathon makes it that easy! You can catch up on your favorite shows or start watching that one popular show everyone talks about! If you’re like most people, you simply cannot find the time to ...

bilingual experience choices experience ...

The love, passion or interest for languages comes to each one of us in a different way. In my case, it was something that didnt come from me at the beginning. It came from my environment. It wasnt me the one who started to have the need of speaking other languages or the one who wanted to learn a new language for fun and pleasure. It was the people around me and the places where I lived the ones t ...