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¡Solo son 10€! Esa fue la frase que le oí decir a una mamá de clase de Doña Cuchufleta hace unos días. No sabia de qué hablaban pero viendo el grupo de mamás que compartían tertulia me temí lo peor: e ...

Etiquetas: generalganadores



general ganadores

El ganador o ganadora de una corona evolutiva cortesía de By Magic"s With Love es: ENHORABUENA!! Tienes hasta el jueves día 18/06/2015 a las 14:00h para ponerte en contacto conmigo por mensaje privado en facebook y enviarme captura de pantalla de tus "me gusta" a Dulces Mimos de Mamá y a By Magic"s With Love. De no ser así, se volverá a sortear. Gracias a tod@s por participar ...

general sorteos

****SORTEO**** Si hay algo que nos gusta a las mamás (y a los papás también, pero sobre todo a las mamás), son los regalos artesanales hechos con todo el cariño y amor del mundo. Y eso es justamente lo que encontraremos en By Magic"s With Love. Tras esta página encontramos a Mara, una encantadora mamá artesana que realiza portabebés ergonómicos, vestidos, faldas, pantalones, camisetas, coron ...


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #MobileMemories #CollectiveBias Summer is almost here! It"s now the end of the school year for many kiddos, and close to the beginning for many others. My daughter is just a week away from finishing up her pre-k year, yay! Time has flown by so fast, it"s amazing to see how m ...


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #MobileMemories #CollectiveBias Summer is almost here! It"s now the end of the school year for many kiddos, and close to the beginning for many others. My daughter is just a week away from finishing up her pre-k year, yay! Time has flown by so fast, it"s amazing to see how m ...

Uncategorized Easy foods Game Time ...

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Red Baron Pizza and The Women Bloggers, LLC. All opinions expressed are my own. #RedBaronGameTime It’s that time of the again! GAME TIME! I love fall for it’s cooler weather, food, and football. This is the time of the year where the festivities begin, gathered with great friends and family watching football, futbol, and baseball… GO ...

general frugal

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #MobileMemories #CollectiveBias Summer is almost here! It’s now the end of the school year for many kiddos, and close to the beginning for many others. My daughter is just a week away from finishing up her pre-k year, yay! Time has flown by so fast, it’s amazing to see how m ...

Young children with autism spectrum disorder Young children with autism spectrum disorder, who also have serious behavioral problems, showed improved behavior when their parents were trained with specific, structured strategies to manage tantrums, aggression, self-injury, and non-compliance. The findings from this parent training study by Yale and Emory University researchers were published recent ...


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MaxYourTax #CollectiveBias It"s tax season! Woo-hoo or Boo-hoo? Today I"m going to share with you 5 easy tips to help stretch your tax refund and turn that frown upside down. Now don"t go on a crazy spending spree once you get that check, this year let"s be savvy spenders! ...


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MaxYourTax #CollectiveBias It"s tax season! Woo-hoo or Boo-hoo? Today I"m going to share with you 5 easy tips to help stretch your tax refund and turn that frown upside down. Now don"t go on a crazy spending spree once you get that check, this year let"s be savvy spenders! ...