El post de hoy esta dedicado a la edición limitada que Tom Ford ha creado para los mas pequeños de la casa, que se ha puesto a la venta esta misma semana. Esta colección esta inspirada en Jack el hijo del mismo Tom Ford, que diseño una chaqueta de cuero para su hijo, y empezó a regalar esta prenda para los hijos de sus amigos y pensó que seria divertido crear esta edición limitada para niños. Claro que esta colección de chaquetas en ante y cuero serán para los hijos de grandes estrellas del rock, cine, etc, ya que su precio estas chaquetas esta en la misma linea que la colección principal.
One of the designers for my point of view makes some of the most elegant and refined collections for both men and women is Tom Ford, although their garments and accessories are not available to all budgets. Their designs are classic and full of glamour and elegance clothing, with lines and impeccable cuts, by now all aware of these data.
Today"s post is dedicated to the limited edition Tom Ford has created for the children of the house, which has been put up for sale this week. This collection is inspired by Jack"s son Tom Ford himself, who designed a leather jacket for his son and started giving this garment for the children of his friends and thought it would be fun to create this limited edition for children. Of course, this collection of jackets in suede and leather are great for children of rock stars or cinema, etc, and these jackets that its price is in the same line as the main collection.
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