I must be right…

“I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They’d be happier.”

Joseph Pilates.

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Esta idea es fantástica para los días de nieve en #puebloquieto. La verdad está demasiado frío fuera y tenemos que buscar alternativas de juego dentro de casa. Hoy os traigo una idea para mantener a ...

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Niños/Kids Spanglish Life

Now that school has started I have less time to sit and eat with my daughter to talk and enjoy breakfast or lunch together. When she comes home she eats dinner and then starts on her homework, leaving little time to enjoy those moments. Which is why I cherish and look forward to weekends. Growing up my parents worked so much, I can only remember Sunday mornings as the only day where all the famili ...

Niños/Kids Uncategorized Breakfast ...

Who doesn’t miss the surprise toys inside cereal boxes?! I sure do! I remember as a kid my brother and I would wake up extra early be the first one to open the cereal box and get the prize toy that would come inside. Those were the good old days when kids looked forward to breakfast time. So when I learned that General Mills cereal would be offering 6 collectible Star Wars droid view finders ...

bilingual experience experience feelings ...

The first few times I thought about having children and speaking to them in English, I had the main ideas clear and very few doubts. It seemed to me that it made sense, that it was interesting and that, just as I talk to my students or to other people in English, I would do it with my son. All the questions and doubts came when I started. I had my son in my arms and I was going to start speaking t ...


Who else get’s excited when walking by the baby section at the store? I love looking through the super cute and tiny little outfits for babies, and although I have no plans for another just yet, I do love stopping by to take a look just in case I ever need anything. This past weekend was my cousin’s baby shower for her third baby girl! I was so excited to finally shop for someone expec ...

Spanglish Life

Today is the first day of Fall! Hooray! I am so excited for Summer to be over with and ready to move on to some cooler weather, pumpkin spiced everything, cute boots, and sweaters. This Summer down here in Houston, like always brutal! Every morning I wonder why even do my makeup, as soon as I step out the door I’m melting. These last few weeks have been especially hot and humid due to rainy ...


As a mom, I am always looking for ways to nourish her possibilities and help inspire my daughter to dream big. I always tell her she can grow up to be anything she wants, if she has a passion for it and is determined, she will achieve all of her dreams. Growing up, I had a group of very inspiring teachers who always taught us that it did not matter where we came from, all that mattered were our dr ...

Giveaways/Sorteos Spanglish Life #ExploreStLouis ...

Today is the last day of school for the kids which means summer is fast approaching! And with summer, comes parties, picnics, pool parties, and vacations! I took some time this year to plan out our summer trip, and while I won’t be leaving Texas I came across the various attractions St. Louis has to offer, possibly making it our destination in the future. Have you planned out your summer vac ...

bilingual experience experience feelings ...

I have already written about my feelings when speaking to my son in English in front of native speakers. As I imagined, there would be more situations where I would find myself with English speakers for various reasons. Well, I havent had to wait a long time for a new moment to come. The other day on the bus, the couple sitting behind were Americans. I was carrying my little one in the baby carrie ...

Spanglish Life #summer COMCAST ...

My familia and I are very excited for the summer this year, the kids will be out from school and we will have more time to enjoy evenings and weekends out at the park for soccer practice and games. My husband’s two boys are now both on soccer teams after years of practice and training with my brothers, now they both get to show out on the field all they have learned. I’m just trying to ...