probably the greatest invention EVER.

probably the greatest invention EVER.

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En este forochat aprenderemos sobre el Baby Led Weaing o Alimentación auto dirigida por el bebé. La licenciada Ámbar Córdova nos trae este interesantísimo forochat en el que podrás participar totalme ...





Who else get’s excited when walking by the baby section at the store? I love looking through the super cute and tiny little outfits for babies, and although I have no plans for another just yet, I do love stopping by to take a look just in case I ever need anything. This past weekend was my cousin’s baby shower for her third baby girl! I was so excited to finally shop for someone expec ...

Local Niños/Kids #NormOfTheNorth ...

So now that winter has officially started, comes the time when we look for other fun activities to do indoors. One of my favorite ways of spending time with the kids is at the movies, in fact we were out at the movie theater just last weekend. I always let the kids choose a movie because I enjoy watching animated movies, it’s a moment where I get to forget about everything going on in the re ...

Niños/Kids Gerber Linqia ...

Hard to believe my little baby is now six years old, seems like yesterday I was walking out from the hospital with her in my arms. The first few nights, weeks, months were stressful. As a first time mom, I knew absolutely nothing about the tiny little lady I had birthed. After breastfeeding didn’t go as planned, and trying almost every infant formula out there, Gerber® Good Start® Infant For ...

Niños/Kids cleansing cloths cleansing wipes ...

Transitiniong my daughter from her cute pink potty to grown-up potty was not too fun or easy for her, she had grown to love her small potty and didn’t feel the need to transition to a grown up potty, or as we call it the toilet. The hardest part of the transition was getting her to clean herself with toilet paper instead of baby wipes she used. Thankfully I was able to convince her the toile ...


Can you believe 2016 is almost over?! How time has flown by, now we are preparing for the end of the year festivities. Do you have everything ready for the last holiday of the year? If not, then hurry on over to Big Lots and take advantage of the amazing discounts offered on products that we are sure to need during the holidays. Let’s celebrate what’s left of 2016 and give 2017 a big welcom ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life Huggies ...

As a first-time mom, I had many questions and doubts when my daughter was born. I constantly asked friends and family, particularly my mom for advice to see if I was doing everything correctly. I have to say that my mom’s best advice to me was to use Huggies® Little Snugglers along with Huggies Natural Care® wipes to keep her skin soft, clean and healthy. I love how the brand provides the be ...

bilingual experience experience handy ...

Raising children is not an easy task. It is stimulating, exciting, thrilling... one of the greatest experiences that we can have, but definitely: not simple. Sometimes we dont know if what we are doing is right or wrong and the future scare us a bit. However, we improve day by day and we try to do our best to bring up our offspring safely, healthily and affectionately. The parents that want to spe ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life kids ...

One of the hardest stages in our children’s life has to be potty training. Every mom has her child’s own story and every child is indeed different as to what works for them and when they’re ready to finally say “Goodbye diapers, hello training pants!“ What worked for my daughter definitely has not worked for my niece, Eliana. She has had a hard time letting go of her ...