Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

Fall has got to be my favorite time of the year with the cooler temperatures, tree"s changing colors, planning for the coming holidays, cinnamon aromas filling my home and of course all things PUMPKIN! Nowadays fall is not just about pumpkin pies or dressing up little ones as pumpkins, we"ve gone pumpkin crazy lol.. spiced pumpkin candles, pumpkin salsa (yes!), and my favorite the one I can"t drink unless we"re having fall weather, pumpkin spice latte!

I"ve always been a coffee lover. I like mine sweet and with milk or creamer, not much of a flavored coffee fan but a few years ago when my husband introduced Starbucks into my life I was hooked. I first tried their regular coffee"s available year round, but when fall season came around I was feeling adventurous to try the now famous pumpkin spice latte, and being that I love pumpkins and all things spiced, why not give it a try? I loved it! Of course my wallet or better said hubby"s wallet wasn"t. Being the big DIY"er I am this was not the exception, it took me awhile to perfect it to my liking and this, this. Is. It.

Of course if you"re carving out some pumpkins go ahead and save some for your latte. The pumpkin milk mixture tastes so good, and you literally get to make all the lattes you want for youself, hubby, sister, bff for just pennies! I still have a whole can of pumkin puree waiting for me in the fridge. Time to get pumpkin crazy!

Here is what you will need to make this yummy latte...

1 Cup of Strong Brewed Coffee
1 Cup of Milk
3 Tablespoons of Pumpkin Puree
1 Teaspoon of Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
3 Tablespoons of Sugar 
1/2 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon + a pinch to top
Whipped Cream 

In a small saucepan pour in milk, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar.
Whisk milk mixture well until all is dissolved.
To your preference you may add coffee into saucepan to adjust to your taste. Or, grab your favorite coffee mug, pour in coffee halfway then pour in your pumpkin milk.
If you want to get fancy schmancy top you latte with whipped cream and sprinkle some cinnamon on top or some more of that pumpkin pie spice. Enjoy!!

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