Every morning I like to start my day off with a cup of coffee, who doesn’t?! I don’t care if it’s 40 or 90 degrees outside, I need my cafecito. Just the plain aroma of coffee gets me going, my mom is the culprit of my coffee addiction, you see when I was in high school she would drive me to school and every single day she would take her coffee to brave the traffic. To me, there is just no better way to start my day off than with a cup of my favorite, NESCAFÉ Clásico. Which has brought me to Romper la Rutina or “break the routine” by giving my daily warm cup of joe a bit of a twist.
NESCAFÉ Clásico is a family staple in many Latino homes. It is a soluble coffee that is made of 100% pure coffee that has been spray dried after being brewed and reaching its flavor peak. Its beans are sourced primarily from key coffee countries in Latin America and is known for its bold flavor. Today I will be sharing with you a Mexican-Vietnamese style iced Coffee, to drink during summer when we need coffee, just without the heat. It’s a refreshing, definitely will pick you up drink. Enjoy! And don’t forget to break the routine once in a while.
NESCAFÉ Clásico Mexican-Vietnamese Iced Coffee!
Prepare NESCAFE Clasico by adding one teaspoon of NESCAFE Clasico to 6oz. of cool water.
Add La Lechera sweetened condensed milk or dulce de leche to taste. (A tablespoon should work)
You may also add some Coffee-mate Natural Bliss for an extra touch of creaminess
Stir well, then add in ice
For a winter twist, try this recipe with NESCAFE Cafe de Olla or add a teaspoon of Abuelita granulated chocolate mix to the coffee for a mocha version.
NESCAFÉ Clásico Mexican-Vietnamese Iced Coffee
2016-06-14 08:39:10
Serves 1
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
6 oz water
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Prepare NESCAFE Clasico by adding one teaspoon of NESCAFE Clasico to 6oz. of cool water.
Add La Lechera sweetened condensed milk or dulce de leche to taste. (A tablespoon should work)
Stir well, then add in ice.
You may also add some Coffee-mate Natural Bliss for an extra touch of creaminess.
For a winter twist, try this recipe with NESCAFE Cafe de Olla or add a teaspoon of Abuelita granulated chocolate mix to the coffee for a mocha version.
Spanglish Mama http://spanglishmama.com/
Since 2014 Ricky Martin has formed a partnership with NESCAFÉ because they both share the same family values and passion for life. Since then they have been out inviting random people to stop what they’re doing and make moments happen by simply having a cup of NESCAFÉ Clásico, those who dared to break the routine were surprised when seeing Ricky Martin on the bus. Would you dare? Watch the Break the Routine video.
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