Quesadillas Fritas : Easy Mexican Recipe for El Dia Del Niño

Growing up in a Hispanic home, there were celebrations for everything, whether there was an accomplishment at school or holidays- everything was celebrated with all the family. April 30th, El Día del Niño has always been a day of celebration for everyone of all ages. We all have that inner child in us, and why not celebrate him/her. Piñatas, candy, loteria and our favorite childhood meals were always prepared on this day. I would love to help you celebrate your little one with this easy and delicious kid-friendly recipe and a very fun giveaway, find out how to enter below.

naty cooks #HERDEZkids #Herdez #DiadelNiño
Today I try to keep those beautiful traditions alive in my daughter’s childhood, in hopes that she will carry them on in the future. One way is to get her involved in the kitchen, which isn’t too hard because she loves helping me and grandma make tortillas. So knowing how much she loves to work the masa, I decided to make one of our favorite dishes- quesadillas fritas, which some know as empanadas… personally, I just like to call them kekas, as in short for quesadillas. These are the perfect snack/lunch/dinner for little hands who love to eat simple delicious meals, and for those of us who love that cheesy goodness.

naty en la cocina #HERDEZkids #Herdez #DiadelNiño

As a Mexican mom, I grew up with chile and salsa always served in all of our meals, it’s just not the same without it! My daughter has somehow grown to love salsa, when at restaurants she quickly snacks on chips and salsa… because who doesn’t love chips and salsa?! I like to use salsas that are not too spicy but with a ton of flavor which brought me to use HERDEZ® Brand, the No. 1 selling salsa in Mexico, but more importanlty they care about authenticity in both food and culture. So gather your kiddos, and celebrate this upcoming Dia del Niño by passing down beloved traditions where the heart of each celebration starts: in the kitchen.

Quesadillas Fritas


2 cups corn flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups water

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese or queso panela

sour cream – Mexican crema

HERDEZ® Salsa Verde

Lettuce (to serve)

Vegetable oil
CornFlour #HERDEZKids #HERDEZ #DiaDelNino

Kekas #HERDEZkids #HERDEZ #DiaDelNino

Add corn flour, and salt into a bowl, mix.

Add in one cup of water into bowl with corn flour and mix until it is well incorporated, slowly add in the rest of water until you get a smooth dough. You will know it’s ready when it doesn’t stick to your hand.

Form small balls; this recipe will make about 15 tortillas.

Using a tortilla press, flatten each ball between a plastic bag like ziploc or wax paper to form a tortilla. If you don’t have a tortilla press you can flatten then balls using two plates.

Fill each tortilla with cheese and close around edges.

Heat a skillet with oil and fry quesadillas on each side until golden brown. Then remove from oil and set to dry on absorbant paper.

Serve and garnish with lettuce, sour cream, crumbled cheese, and HERDEZ® Salsa Verde. Enjoy!
Ques Fritas #HERDEZKidas #HERDEZ #DiaDelNino
I hope you enjoy making this recipe alongside your kids, make sure to check out the HERDEZ® website to find more delicious recipes and tips to help encourage your niños to get cooking in the kitchen, get your cameras ready!

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Quesadillas Fritas : Easy Mexican Recipe for El Dia Del Niño

Author: Spanglish Mama

Recipe type: Main

Cuisine: Mexican

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

Serves: 15 Quesadillas


2 cups corn flour

½ tsp. salt

1½ cups water

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese or queso panela

sour cream – Mexican crema

HERDEZ® Salsa Verde

Lettuce (to serve)

Vegetable oil


Add corn flour, and salt into a bowl, mix.

Add in one cup of water into bowl with corn flour and mix until it is well incorporated, slowly add in the rest of water until you get a smooth dough. You will know it’s ready when it doesn’t stick to your hand.

Form small balls; this recipe will make about 15 tortillas.

Using a tortilla press, flatten each ball between a plastic bag like ziploc or wax paper to form a tortilla. If you don’t have a tortilla press you can flatten then balls using two plates.

Fill each tortilla with cheese and close around edges.

Heat a skillet with oil and fry quesadillas on each side until golden brown. Then remove from oil and set to dry on absorbant paper.

Serve and garnish with lettuce, sour cream, crumbled cheese, and HERDEZ® Salsa Verde. Enjoy!



Grand Prize: 2 cooking classes for 2 (parent & child) plus $1000
2nd Place: 1 cooking classes for 2 (parent & child) plus $300
3rd Place: Child cooking gift basket
Weekly prizes/honorable mentions: Child size Día del Niño apron.

Additionally, there will also be Weekly Día del Niño Trivia questions on the HERDEZ® brand Facebook giving YOU an additional opportunity to win a child size Día del Niño apron.

Good Luck! 

Fuente: este post proviene de Mama Tex-Mex, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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